About Rocky’s Remedies

Rocky’s Remedies was formed to help you and your beloved pet through anxiety and depression. We all go through ups and downs in life – our CBD Oil makes the downs just a little bit easier to get through. Try it, and see the difference for yourself.

Making the best of a bad situation is easier said than done. Ask Deandra Hennemann, owner of Rocky’s Remedies. She can tell you all about it. Major back to back car accidents in 2017 and 2018 was a bad situation.

Find the Perfect Products for Your Furry Friend

Rocky Remedies CBD Products For Humans And Some Products Your Furry Friend Will Love

Made for the comfort and care of family pets.

Janet P

My life is hectic and I always have a million things going on, which leads to enormous stress. I had to make a change, but taking meds wasn’t an option. I heard a lot about CBD, but honestly I was skeptical, really skeptical. However, I got over my fears, and started using it daily. Within a few weeks I saw real results. I just felt so much better!

Brandon J.

I heard CBD was good to give my dog, but I did’t want to get him high. Once I learned the truth, I said, ‘why not?’. He has some joint issues. I don’t know what exactly the CBD does, but all I can say is my dog is running freely like he did 5 years ago.

Chris W.

I’ve tried quite a few different CBD products, and I really enjoy the taste and quality of Rockys Remedies. Their stuff is A+.